Mt Longonot

2015 High School Graduates November Retreat

On November 9–10th, 16 graduates, 4 NCT staff members and our 2 American interns, set out to hike to the top of Longonot mountain.  They were led by Samuel Mindu, one of our college graduates who earned a diploma in Wildlife Management.  Longonot is about 9,000 ft high with a forest of small trees covering the crater floor at the top.  Major wildlife attractions include buffalo, eland, lion, leopard, Bushbuck, zebra, giraffe, and Grant & Thomson gazelle.  The top offers views of Lake Naivasha and the Great Rift Valley. Mt. Longonot Wikipedia entry

After arriving in mid-afternoon one group set up the tents, while the other collected firewood and prepared a meal.  As one student put it, “At around 5:30 pm the food was ready and we were served by the gals. In the next 30 min everyone was silent, killing the hunger.”  Later everyone gathered around the campfire to sing some songs, and then Eathan, our intern, began their study of Micah 6:6-8 “Oh, people! The Lord has shown you what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

The NCT staff gave guidance, advise and personal testimony concerning what is expected of our high school graduates.  They covered topics like choosing courses and institutions for post-secondary studies, avoiding negative influences from society and peers, and utilizing their time well while they wait for their exam grades and later wait for post-secondary acceptance into the school of their choice.

After a night of rain, during which the ladies chose to move into the bus to sleep, everyone had breakfast and then devotions which continued their study of Micah 6:8.  They began their almost 2 mile  steep hike to the top of the rim at 8:30 am.  Halfway up, while resting, they talked more about what God requires of them, and at the top they discussed what it means to love mercy.

The hike was challenging, although the boys were quite energetic.  Everyone made it to the top with encouragement from each other.  Only the boys and two ladies, Kate, one of our NCT staff, and Mary Mumbi decided to hike around the top of the crater, more than 4 miles.  When the group was reunited and resting, they thought about how God wants us to walk humbly with Him and worked on memorizing this verse.

They hiked back to the campsite, had lunch, packed up, thanked God for this special time and headed home.  Each graduate will be matched up with a mentor to aid them in their career choices and for general guidance in the months ahead.