
Post-Secondary Education in Kenya

A student’s high school exit exams determine their options for post-secondary (college, university, vocational training) education.  If they score high enough they will qualify for a government scholarship to a university, which cuts their fees in half.  We have 46 students who have completed some type of post-secondary education, and over 50 who are currently in school.

Because the unemployment rate in Kenya is over 50%, having just a high school diploma will not result in a job that will sustain them above a poverty level. Our prayer is that our graduates have the opportunity to excel and become productive Kenyan citizens who will then be able to give back to their own communities.

Our most recent class of high school graduates (Class of 2015) is awaiting their HS exit exam scores.  In November NCT provided a 2 day retreat in Longonot National Park to help prepare these students for the coming choices and decisions they will need to make.  Read More